How to draw a sea animal Squid

Let us learn how to draw a sea(water) animal – squid. Squid, like an octopus, is a mollusk – a distant relative of a common snail. Gigantic squid reaches up to 16 meters length and so it is considered as largest invertebrate (spineless) animal in the world. Squid is a predator. It can be dangerous

Learn how to draw a Fly

Let us learn how to draw a fly. Fly, as well as mosquito, belongs to the detachment of Diptera, what means two-winged. There are no other insects with two wings except for Diptera, the rest of insects are either four-winged or wingless at all.. And even flies and mosquitoes have some kind of second, reduced,

Learn how to draw a Giraffe

Let’s learn how to draw a giraffe. Everyone knows that this is an unusual animal, the tallest creature on earth. The giraffe lives in Africa and eats leaves from the trees. Its heart is huge, to ensure the blood flow in the neck to the head, and long limbs. Giraffe is very strong and is

Learn how to draw an Ant

Let`s learn how to draw an Ant. Ant is one of the most common insects along with fly and mosquito. There are many different species of ants, but the ant is a common ant, which we are accustomed to see everywhere from early spring to late autumn. Ant belongs to the order hymenoptera, like a

How to draw a realistic Mosquito

Let`s learn how to draw a Mosquito. This annoying and even dangerous insects, along with no less annoying fly, belongs to the range of diptera – it means two-winged. Everybody knows a common mosquito for its itching bites and silent but awful noise. . Actually only mosquito females are bloodsuckers, their males feed on nectar.

Learn how to draw a Vulture

Let`s learn how to draw a vulture realistically.Vulture is a large bird. Visually slightly recalling the eagles and other birds of prey, vultures are scavengers and feed on carcasses of large animals. It’s worth seeing, in indescribable heat of the African noon, several vultures soaring on their wings motionless for hours. What are they doing

Realistic Ant coloring pages

Here is my collection of Ant coloring pages. First, I learned how to draw an ant, and then, when I learned the structure and the proportions of this insect, I started to draw all the ants in a row, photos of which can be found on the Internet.That is why all my coloring are only