How to draw a magpie tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a magpie.

I hope you have all seen the black-and-white bird with a long tail. Right now, we will face the problem of how to put together a drawing of such a bird and place the entire tail on it.

How to draw a Magpie

The bird itself looks harmonious, but the picture is also very elongated.

But first we draw body:

Magpie body drawing

A large round head with an open beak looks typical of corvids.

 Magpie drawing lesson

Legs are also very common, like jackdaws and crows.

Magpie drawing step by step -1

And now it is the turn of the wings and tail. The tail is even longer than the body!

Magpie line drawing

Such a picture turned out, it does not even fit the height of the screen.

Now paint the picture of a magpie. The head, neck, chest and back are black with a purple or bluish-green metallic sheen, the stomach and shoulders are white. The long tail and wings are black.

Magpie colored drawing

Well, we learned how to draw a magpie.

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