Drawing Tutorials

How to draw head and face of a mongoose

Let`s learn how to draw head and face of a mongoose. You’ve probably read about the mongoose Rikki-Tikki. And, perhaps, even wanted to draw an illustration to the tale about an animal-superhero. Of course, in order for the character should be expressive, we should catch his eye. On the Internet pictures of the mongoose show

How to draw an Iguana tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw an Iguana. I have reviewed a lot of pictures of iguanas when preparing to draw these lizards. And what did I see?The main part of the iguanas posing as if doing exercises -push-UPS off the ground. I guess we also have to draw an iguana is in this position. Contents

How to draw Brachiosaurus

Let`s learn how to draw Brachiosaurus. In fact, no one has ever seen Brachiosaurus, even the most advanced scientists, even the most ancient people! So we ask you: don’t take these (and indeed any) such reconstructions too seriously. Brachiosaurus drawing – side view Of course, when Brachiosaurus nibbled the leaves from the tops of the

How to draw a Salamander tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a Salamander. Salamander is a very interesting animal in appearance resembling the lizard. But they are not relatives. And they have a different way of life. Lizards are spirited and agile, salamanders, in contrast, are slow and clumsy. The most famous is the fire Salamander which has bright black and

How to draw an Arctic (polar) Fox

Let`s learn how to draw an Arctic Fox. Scientists can not come to a consensus about whether polar foxes are relatives of foxes or wolves. Arcticoxes resemble both those, and others. An interesting feature of the Arctic Foxes is that depending on the season they completely change the image. In the summer Arctic foxes are

How to draw a mongoose tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a mongoose. It should be noted that there are several types of mongoose. Contents 1 Lesson 1 – how to draw Indian grey Mungo 2 Helogale mongoose drawing lesson 3 Mongoose drawing lesson 3 Lesson 1 – how to draw Indian grey Mungo Kipling described this mongoose under the name

How to draw a newt(triton) tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a newt(triton). Newt refers to amphibians and can live on land and in water. But he strongly prefers life in the water. So we are going to learn how to draw floating newt. In normal times, females and males of newts slightly differ, they are similar to lizards with frail