How to draw a Fox baby tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a fox cub. Fox baby, like any other cub is similar to the adult animal,but has distinctive features. Usually the young ones have a big head (with short nose), relatively plump body and short legs. When the baby grows up, the legs stretched and looks like a lanky teenager. First,let`s

How to draw a Sparrow

Let`s learn how to draw a sparrow. There is no doubt that everyone knows how Sparrow looks because it is a widespread bird and besides sparrows with pleasure settle near human habitations. Sparrow drawing lesson Although sparrows are everywhere we can’t draw them from life because they are very nimble and restless birds. It is

How to draw a Great Tit tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a Great Tit. If we are not professional ornithologists, it would be difficult to distinguish between small birds by body shape. Agree that we know these birds mostly because of the color or characteristics, such as crest. Therefore, while we perform a linear pattern – the great tit, we have

How to make a Paper Turtle

This is another article from the series “turtle crafts for kids”. Let`s learn how to make a Turtle out of paper/cardboard. But just know that this papercraft has nothing to do with the art of origami. We will make a turtle from a few cut-out pattern details. Papercraft turtle – lesson 1 You can see

How to draw a Starling tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a Starling. It is believed that the Starling is a very common bird. It lives almost everywhere and people even specifically settled starlings because they valued their ability to kill insects and protect crops. Another issue is that starlings do not mind to eat the grain and fruit and can

How to draw a mountain landscape tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a mountain landscape. Do you know what it looks like? Here’s an example: I live on the plains, never seen mountains ,and, if I was not told it, I never would have guessed. But we have the Internet and we can get information about everything. Now I know what mountains