How to draw the face and the head of a bat

How to draw a bat’s head and face.

We need to recognize that bats do not have a universal face. Variety of muzzles is just amazing in different species.

On one of the sites I happened to see a collection of photographs of various heads of bats-about a hundred. This was a real Kunstkamera – they all looked funny or terribly and all were completely different. We can not draw so much, so we’ll choose one.

Bat`s head drawing

I beg you very much-when drawing a face, be sure to draw the lines of construction on the sketch-the middle line, the line of the eyes, the line of the ears, so that the facial features turn out to be symmetrical and not skewed.

Bat head drawing

In general, the head resembles the face of a pug. Small round eyes are located on the sides of the head. The mouth is large and wide and armed with large sharp teeth.The lower lip is split in two in the middle.

Bat`s head and face drawing

The flattened nose is all worn with folds:

Bat`s face drawing step by step

Ears are huge, triangular-conical and with a very complex relief of the auricle:

Bat`s head drawing

The muzzle of the beast looks like the face of a bully. Now we add more bristly wool and a portrait of the bat will be irresistible:

Bat head and face drawing

You know, I liked drawing a bat face, but in fact, I would never want to meet such a person personally.

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