Let`s learn how to draw a Dolphin. You certainly know that dolphins, although live in water and are very similar to fish, yet are mammals. Scientists believe that animals such as whales and dolphins for the second time switched to aquatic life. And in the water, the most convenient form of the body is as
Let`s learn how to draw a mandarin duck. It is considered to be the most beautiful of all ducks. But in fairness it must be said that only males wear such multicolored plumage, and they molt for the winter and then look quite modest. But let’s go to the drawing lesson. We chose a good
Let`s learn how to draw a blue jay. Alas, again I am writing a lesson on how to draw a bird that I have never seen in my life. In childhood I was told about the bluebird of happiness. And I thought it was just a fairy tale, but it’s also appeared that there really
Let`s learn how to draw a Corella parrot. In the wild, Corella parrots inhabit Australia. But since they are very pretty, well tamed, and even learn to speak, lovers breed them as decorative pets. Corella is a crested parrot and is related to the cockatoo. In our picture, the parrot is facing the viewer, the
Let`s learn how to draw a Cockatoo parrot. Cockatoo drawing lesson 1 The distinctive and most prominent feature of Cockatoo is their high crest and unique beak structure. But we, of course, will begin to draw a bird not with these, although important details. Of course, we will start drawing from a sketch. Draw a
Let`s learn how to draw a ruff. Ruff is a freshwater fish that can be found both in rivers and in lakes. Ruffs are quite unpretentious and can endure harsh conditions – for example, quite strong pollution and even saltiness of water. But let’s move on to drawing a ruff. Take a pencil and draw
Let`s learn how to draw a Waxwing. Since we are learning to draw here, I will not delve into the topic of biology and the spread of waxwings. I’ll just say that this bird is very beautiful, pretty and sympathetec. Waxwing usually seems plump, but this is the appearance created by fluffy plumage. The waxwing