How to draw a Perch. Perch is a very common river fish. And it seems that he is the most likely catch for fishermen -on every other photos on the internet poor fish with a hook in the mouth. Or entangled in nets. Well, rejoice that we were not born perch and proceed to
Let`s learn how to draw a Pike. Of course, as it has become a habit, I have prepared a lesson on “how to draw a pike”. But I warn you once, that the pike from any point looks almost the same. Usually I encourage everyone to draw animals in a realistic way, not to resort
Let`s learn how to draw a ruff. Ruff is a freshwater fish that can be found both in rivers and in lakes. Ruffs are quite unpretentious and can endure harsh conditions – for example, quite strong pollution and even saltiness of water. But let’s move on to drawing a ruff. Take a pencil and draw