Birds drawing

How to draw a Siskin bird

Let`s learn how to draw a siskin. Siskin is a bird of the ordinary appearance. So we are going to learn how to draw him, in order to learn how to draw birds at all. We will draw a siskin sitting on the ground. According to the rules we need to start any drawing with

How to draw a Penguin tutorial

Penguins are birds living in the extreme South. Although it seems paradoxical, but it is very cold there. Therefore penguins are birds adapted to the fierce frost and life on the ice and in the icy water. They have forgotten how to fly but swim expertly as a fish. Penguin draing lesson 1 Let`s learn

How to draw a Hawk tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a hawk. Hawks are predatory birds hunting in the daytime. They have excellent eyesight, a powerful bill and claws. First, let’s learn how to draw a hawk sitting. Drawing of a seated hawk It is clear that we draw from the photograph. Start with a sketch: Draw a torso –

How to draw an ibis bird

Let`s learn how to draw a bird ibis. You, of course, know what kind of bird it is – it is especially famous for the fact that in ancient Egypt it was considered the incarnation of the god of wisdom Thoth. And besides, I am very impressed by the fact that medieval “plague doctors” wore

How to draw an African ostrich

Let`s learn how to draw an ostrich. All of you probably know about the existence of these amazing huge flightless birds like ostriches. So are the American nandu and Australian emus with cassowary. But we will make the reservation that, with a great outward similarity, these all birds are not close relatives. From a scientific

How to draw a woodpecker tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a woodpecker. There are many types of woodpeckers. We will learn how to draw a Great Spotted Woodpecker, which lives in Eurasia and Africa and the red-headed American Woodpecker. Step-by-step Great Spotted Woodpecker drawing lesson I found an expressive picture on the Internet and now I draw from the sample: