How to draw a coral

Let`s learn how to draw a coral. For example, we are going to draw a picture depicting a sea or ocean bottom. Of course, if only to draw sand and stones that will not be enough spectacular. Let’s decorate the bottom with corals. Corals are colonies of marine polyps with a common calcareous skeleton. Polyps

How to draw a grass snake tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a grass snake. Grass snake is a very common widespread reptile. Although I am an urban resident and I rarely walk on the nature, but I have seen many times living grass snakes. t is clear that the joy of such a meeting is usually overshadowed by the assumption that

How to draw an ibis bird

Let`s learn how to draw a bird ibis. You, of course, know what kind of bird it is – it is especially famous for the fact that in ancient Egypt it was considered the incarnation of the god of wisdom Thoth. And besides, I am very impressed by the fact that medieval “plague doctors” wore

How to draw an African ostrich

Let`s learn how to draw an ostrich. All of you probably know about the existence of these amazing huge flightless birds like ostriches. So are the American nandu and Australian emus with cassowary. But we will make the reservation that, with a great outward similarity, these all birds are not close relatives. From a scientific

How to draw a woodpecker tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a woodpecker. There are many types of woodpeckers. We will learn how to draw a Great Spotted Woodpecker, which lives in Eurasia and Africa and the red-headed American Woodpecker. Step-by-step Great Spotted Woodpecker drawing lesson I found an expressive picture on the Internet and now I draw from the sample:

How to draw a Swift bird tutorial

Let`s learn how to draw a Swift(bird). If you look in the sky in the summer, you will see many long-winged birds with forked tails. These are familiar birds for us – swallows and swifts. They are very similar to each other, but, oddly enough, they are not relatives. A similar habitat and way of