Learn how to draw a Coconut Palm Tree

Let’s learn to draw palm trees. There are many types of palm treesall of them are thermophilic and grow in the tropics and subtropics. Although we call them trees, they are not like our usual trees.The palms have usually one trunk with a tuft of leaves at the end. The leaves can be pinnate or fan-like.

We are now going to learn how draw a coconut tree. It has pinnate leaves and the stem can be either long and thin, or short and squatit depends on the species.

Step by step Coconut Tree drawing

To begin, draw a pencil sketch very light lines. Palm Tree pencil sketch

Although the picture looks pale and unconvincing, it is perhaps the most important stage of drawing.

After that you can draw with the push: Coconut Palm drawing

The next step – draw with a pencil the side leaves on long petioles: Palm Tree step by step drawing

And start drawing those little leaves – it is monotonous and boring,but the leaves really are all that way, and we have to work . Dont forget to add some coconuts.
Coconut PalmTree Drawing

And now we shall color our Coconut Palm Tree picture: Coconut palm colored drawing

Well, now you know how to draw a palm tree in general, but it is necessary to study in detail how to draw individual leaf of a coconut palm tree.

Coconut frond drawing

Draw the sketch without pressure:

Palm Tree frond drawing

These leaves are very longlike branches.

Step by step drawing of a palm leaf

I was too lazy to draw all of these lateral leaflets pencil, and I decided to paint with watercolors.

Painting of a Palm Leaf

So here is the picture of Coconut Palm Tree Leaf:

Coconut Palm Tree Leaf Picture

How to draw a coconut

I drew coconuts from photo. Yes, if you are too lazy to get a real coconut then proceed thus:

Coconut drawing

Well, make a sketch. I immediately started to draw with markers because these nuts are very simple – they are round or slightly elongated and at one end they have three shallow depressions.That’s all the figure.

Coconut line drawing

It will be a problem to paint a picture.

Coconut colored drawing

Coconut are covered with brown fibers and look slightly shaggy.

Well, enjoy one more Coconut drawing.

Coconut pencil sketch

Coconut drawing 13

I had to use a pile of markers to be able to convey the color and texture of this hairy nut.

How to draw a coconut

And here it is:

Coconut drawing


Now you have a complete idea of how to draw coconut tree.

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